Online Seminary

Sanctum is opening an online seminary granting degrees for career preparation in the service of a religious vocation.

These include, but are not limited to, theology, direct ministry (including chaplaincy), pastoral counseling, and work within the community, as well as specialized skills training in relevant areas for specific religious practice, such as herbalism.

Our learning management system is now active!

We have begun enrolling users in individual courses as pilot programs while we complete the necessary content for degree programs. You can currently enroll in the following live courses:

We are thrilled to announce that we are preparing to launch A Witch's Poisons: Year 2

Death Magic

Mastery of Tarot

In addition, we are excited to announce that we are officially launching the pilot of the first of our degree programs, the Masters of Herbalism! You can learn more about it and sign up to participate here:

Masters of Herbalism

Additionally, you can enroll in the following classes, which are not currently being offered live but are archived for students to take asynchronously through the alpha version of our LMS:

Herbal Abortifacients, Emmenagogues, and Contraceptives

Riot Medicine, Herbalism for Activism, and Safe(ish) Protesting

A Witch's Poisons